Because I'll have signed the lease on my apartment and I'll have found the church that I'll be doing my internship at over the summer.
So very exciting. :)
Also, this past week has most definitely been full of life lessons.
I realized that my problems are NOTHING compared to that of others.
Some people have dying family members, some battle pancreatic cancer (the fastest spreading of them all), and some wake up everyday with stomach problems because of an autoimmune disease.
When I think my life is a struggle (and it may very well be), there are others who need prayer more.
There is always someone to pray for besides myself.
Someone who's in more dire, desperate situations than I am.
My life just becomes irrelevant. And.. that's ok.
If I fall off the radar, it's most likely because God wants to show me something off the radar.
This week I've learned that God answers prayer sometimes within minutes of you asking.
When it comes to salvations...this is probably the most crucial concept on earth to grasp, because it has an eternal effect.
I prayed that someone would accept salvation.........and 10 minutes later they did.
And, it wasn't because I prayed....because I wasn't the only one praying for it, but it was because God was finishing His divine plan that He had been working out for awhile now.
This is just when He chose to do it.
NEVER stop praying for someone to be saved.
You never know the day God will choose to answer your prayer.
And you never know the steps and process in which He will go about answering it too..
He's a sneaky one.
Some of my other random thoughts for this week:
1. I always rearrange my room during school breaks.
2. I have a cereal addiction.
3. I love isolation entirely too much... so much that it would worry any normal person.
4. I'm more introvert than I want to be.
5. I would be the happiest person if I could start my day off by waking up at 8:30 followed by a good run.
6. My dreams have been OFF.THE.WALL.
7. I'm going to start saving $100 a month for a new car eventually, and $100 to pay off the interest on my school loans. (My parents would be proud if they saw this).
8. I'm going to be single forever. Willingly. And enjoy it.
9. Oh....a concert addiction as well. I spent about $80 in one evening buying a bunch of tickets. :/ :D Hello Boyce Avenue, Kelly Clarkson, Gungor, and Winter Jam! Probably the Fray and Snow Patrol as well. :D I'm so excited I could pee.
Anyway...back to the "looking forward" concept.
Even when I can't see exactly how the future is going to pan out, life inevitably has a way of working itself out in the long run...
Things start falling into place when you put God first and foremost in every one of your decisions.
...sometimes it feels like you're on the mountaintop looking over a city. You see everything that's built and you realize that God is the one who built it all. You realize that any work that you do could never compare to how God would have done it.
It's comforting to go to bed knowing that God has a plan, and it's ok that you don't know any of it.
BUT, when you do see it coming to fruition just know that it won't last and that you'll have to find your way through the fog to truly know what's ahead of you.
I'm excited about moving on with my life. In all honesty, the next year of my life could not go any faster. And if it did, I'd probably want it to slow down.
I tend to want things to change, and when they do, I decide that I hate the change.
I'm excited about not having curfew, being able to do my own laundry any day of the week, cleaning my apartment more sparse, and making my own food.
Doing some interior design..
Having a dog to come home to every night.
Having one of my best friends to vent to after a long day.
I hope it's as great as I'm hoping it is. :)
Meet Boomer. Well...this isn't him, but he looks like him. (my roommates dog) :)
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