So...I'm in transit. Well, transition, that is.
I'm on the "church hunt".
What a shame it would be to go to Central Bible College and to only have ONE view of what church looks like. How church is. Not knowing different types of worship, and what different congregations look like.
I feel like my options are limited where I'm at.
I've been in the same church since I started going to church for the first time in my life since I was 16. Lots of good memories and discipling happening. Recently I've been going to a different church a lot, feeling the ultimate transition about to happen. Just waiting on timing. But, lately I've been feeling so much tension with that decision too.
Which leads me to this...confusion.
Church should not be confusing.
Developing a habit of church hopping isn't good, but I think it makes us more open minded to the exposure of varieties of churches. Almost like potatoes. There are soo many different forms of potatoes, and they're alll delicious. Baked. Twice baked. Hashbrowns. Scalloped. Mashed. Red. Sweet. Grilled...and my favorite, fried.
Church should have variety. Varieties of people. Ages. Colors. Music. Cultures. Diversity.
I guess I know what I'm looking for now...
Every year CBC has the Church Expo day, which was yesterday.
I went...searching for something that would "fit" and be the new place I call my "church home". I go to a few booths, and I feel like each one had divine tendencies. The first church I knew the College and Career pastors and that would for sure be a SICK C&C group to be in. Fo sho. I knew the niece of the second church's pastors. However, it wasn't until I was eating by myself, in a rush to get to class, that the pastor from another church sought me out.
THEY SOUGHT ME OUT!!! Like, they came over, introduced themselves, and seriously talked me into attending their church. I was sold at the simple fact that she went out of her way to chat with me. AND, she just so happened to tell me her church has everything to offer me. I'm sure they all say this, but I had a list of specifics in my mind going into the cafeteria that day.
1. Spanish is still a calling on my life. Whether that be missions, music, translation. Who knows. It's my heritage and I really want to get into it. I've always wanted to attend a Spanish church, but it was simply a dream that I'd never considered actually doing. It wasn't until working for AG Headquarters doing Fine Arts that I deeply felt impressed to accomplish this. While finishing registration forms for a Spanish church, I felt like, "man. I could really do this one day."
2. Music. Pretty obvious one...but what if you combine Spanish AND music. Man, that'd be great. I'm not that great at music yet. I mean, I can play a little piano, know a few chord progressions and keys on guitar, and TRY to sing...but I'm not proficient in any of these to actually audition for anything. UNLESS someone would be willing to teach me, then I'm a fast learner and could be useful. Until then, I'll just continue my Music and Aural theory studies until I learn something. lol.
3. I want something completely different than what I'm used to. I want to attend a thriving church with LOTS of kids my age who are in school or studying music, or just have similar interests.
So..the lady from Life360 Iglesia del Pueblo church pretty much sold me.
She begged me to go to her booth and get her information, while giving me lots of free stuff. What more could I want? haha.
I wrap it up and begin walking away. She says, "I'll see you Sunday at 4". I reply, "Ok. See you then!". She says, "Seriously.. you better be there." Me, "haha. I will! I want to try out your church. Can I do music? Or is that even a possibility". Her reply, "We will talk about it after service." Big smiles. I left happy.
She sought me out.
I felt like someone actually wanted me at their church.
I haven't felt like that since I got saved.
Best part: Church service is at 4pm on Sundays. Perfect. I can get homework and laundry done, and even attend another church for morning service if I really wanted.
I'm looking forward to this....I pray God will clearly let me know if this is His direction for me or not. It couldn't feel more right...
As far as Wednesdays and other Sunday services, I will probably still go to the same church I just started going to recently. We will see what happens. :D