Last week I got in an accident which totaled my car. 2 other SUV's involved, and old woman who fled the scene. (I constantly question old people driving, no offense, but seriously.)
Forwarning: this note could be a little pessimistic....until the end. :) Bare with.
Let's start at the beginning..
Last week my mom was just saying how she wouldn't have vacation for another year because of the new job she was about to get. :( I was sad. Then, the next day I get a text at work saying, "Are you gonna come visit me today!?" My reply, "In South Dakota, no!" To my surprise, they'd driven overnight and would be seeing me when I got off work that evening. Yay!
To my dismay, I get in a car wreck the next day. Way to ruin it, Sarah.
Actually, the accident wasn't entirely my fault. Yes, I blame the old lady who pulled out in front of the 2 SUV's that I rear ended. I LOVE the fact that she DROVE AWAY like a proper old lady would do. Yes. Thank you. (I'm a little bitter. Can you tell?)
Anyway, I feel like I ruined the ONE weekend my parents would be down for the next year. That's 365 days. And that's a long time. Especially if nothing good happens in the time they're here. Well. Nothing "fun", rather. I am grateful that they were here, just so they wouldn't be worrying about me while they're 10 hours away. Also, I had no idea what to do about being in a car accident, and I have no idea what steps to take to deal with something of such parameters.
Side note: my phone charger isn't working, and my parents spend a small fortune getting me a new smart phone (and waiting in line for hours to get it), as well as paying towing fees, and such. Not to mention paying for my summer school class that started this week too.
Basically. Long weekend. Little time with them, BUT the time I did spend with them, it was talking about the accident, and how to fix this mess. Running to the insurance company, to the car smasher, and back and forth between family's houses. Oh, and spending ALL DAY in the emergency room waiting for me to get xrays and scans on my neck and chest. Great fun!!!! (sarcasm)
The weekend parents leave...probably in a worse state than when they got here. :/ On their way home they receive a call from work saying that they were shutting down the side of the plant that my stepdad works on. He'll be out of work for the next week. They tell him to just stay home. IF ONLY they had gotten that call before they were 8 hours into their 10 hour could have been better. Instead, they got home to an empty house, feeling like that was probably the least relaxing "vacation" of their life.
We could have had another week together......and it could have been a happier less stressful one.......we were all upset. What's even more upsetting is waking up the next day to hear that a great aunt had passed away. IF ONLY they had gotten that phone call sooner, they could have attended the funeral. Since they were already back home, it's expensive to turn right around and come back.
UGH. At this point....I felt like dying....which is ironic with a car wreck and whatnot. Bruised chest. (air bag didn't deploy), and a neck rash from the seatbelt (similar to a carpet burn). Soreness. And just moping in the "soreness" of life. If you will.
Now, the application part:
What I've learned from all of this...
1. Time spend with family is cherished. No matter what you're doing. At the end of the day you were surrounded by people who love you. Even if you deal with a car crash and death in the same weekend.
2. Life is precious. I was talking to my grandma after the wreck. I said that if I had died I would be with Jesus right now instead of dealing with all of this. She said, "It wasn't your time." This may sound dumb...or obvious....but Sarah...wake up. Life has meaning, no matter how terrible it seems. How treacherous it seems. How difficult it seems. There MUST be SOME lesson God is teaching me. And I think it's to learn how to deal with trials. I've never been good at this. I'd rather cry like a baby than deal with life. We're all victims of life. Sometimes it really feels like that but IT DOESN'T HAVE TO. That's what I learned. Also, there's an odd "coincidence" (if you will, for lack of a better word. I know "Christians" don't believe in such, they believe in "divine appointment". Still.) that my parents just so happen to be in town when I get in a wreck. How convenient on my end. Also, the 2 other SUV's involved were from my hometown. I KNOW. How crazy is that. My parents actually knew them....
3. A Bible is the best gift anyone could ever receive. You can argue...but I won't. It's true. I wasn't raised in a Christian home, so when my mom visited this weekend and was searching through my room for a Bible, I figured this is a prime opportunity to get my mom a nice Bible. With her name on it. That I designed and picked out. In the midst of all this distress, one thing remains. Stands strong, and is forever faithful: God. I hope she finds that out too. (I bought my roommate one also).
I'm expecting big things........God's at work already. Now we wait.
4. Friendships end. They come and go like the sun and moon. It's one of the saddest realities I've faced the past few years. Most definitely. What stinks the most is that you've tried so many times to make something work and it just doesn't. It never will, but you keep trying. You love them, and are wearing yourself thin by trying to invest in a lost cause. Love isn't a lost cause, but the situation is...
There is nothing else on this earth worth living for except love. Nothing. Nothing will ever compare to the feeling you get when you love someone. It can be the best feeling, but when the love is lacking it can be the worst....most dreadful, deepest pain any human can go through emotionally. And it lasts much longer than any physical pain.. will I apply this to my life? Well. Good question.
I plan on loving without getting hurt in the process.
Watching what I do, and what others do. (mainly old lady drivers). My grandma said I need to watch for grey hair and wrinkles. (this will probably make me wreck faster next time). lol
Enjoy your family. Even the bad moments with them.....
Finally, enjoy your life. Enjoy living. Enjoy the air you breathe. The times you just sit on the couch and relax. The times you think you're "bored". Don't dread going to work the next day. Drink water. Eat healthier. Have more control over your emotions, the situation and atmosphere around you. Have a refreshed and renewed mind every morning when you wake up. Laugh more. Even at other people. Sometimes it helps. :) Accomplish things. Don't be lazy, but motivated. Be intellectual. Think deep. Be happy.
Just some thoughts to help deal with life.....even if it does feel like a car wreck.